
EGL's mission is to bring accurate data and objective analysis from educational research to organizations.

We are a research institute dedicated to improving policy and decision making through research and analysis


Role Models for Youth at Risk - why do we need them?

The Ecosynergy Group (egl) is proud to engage in a project supported by the Todd Foundation to investigate how to leverage interventions with youth at risk.

This project is the result of our collaboration with a number of organisations, including AIESEC New Zealand, Asia NZ, Raukura and other nationwide youth mentoring organisations.

The clip below introduces the topic and articulates the need to work with this population:

Source: Documentary On BIA.

Our ongoing applied research in the field of leadership has raised interest in youth educators who pointed out that stories with young role models were needed to be able to fill the mentorship gap with this audience. Our role is to find those positive role models and record their stories in ways that inspire their peers. One of our research questions addresses the structure of those powerful stories.