
EGL's mission is to bring accurate data and objective analysis from educational research to organizations.

We are a research institute dedicated to improving policy and decision making through research and analysis


Transforming families' experience of accessing the disability sector

Can we provide a better experience for families to access the disability sector?
Yes we can!!

Our experience piloting the Now and Next programme with Sydney-based Plumtree show that families can build resilience whilst learning to reach the goals they have set.

In collaboration with families, Now and Next :

1. Transformed the initial planning process
Despite changes in the disability sector that embrace person-centered philosophy, the sector still uses the same planning process - one led by professionals who ask a series of questions to families who answers them... this process was borrowed from the business sector. However research has shown that families told about their child's disabilities are under significant stress and "cognitive" planning in these circumstances is hard.

We have piloted a fresh process designed to enhance families' visioning. Family's creative brainstorming encourages them to formulate dreams and goals for their child, their families and themselves.

2. Transforms families' learning experiences
Families work on achieving their goals by documenting their children's progress as well as their own learning via an App designed to maximise parents' learning experiences. They reported feeling more in control, building agency about helping their child, enjoying being more involved in their child's progress... our research is in progress and we'll update this blog as we go.

More on http://bookcreator.com/blog/2016/01/book-creator-helps-transform-experience-families-affected-disability/

Thank you Plumtree Now and Next team!!!